800 Calorie HCG Diet vs. 500

Nothing in life is stagnant, and that also goes for the HCG Diet. For over 50 years, doctors have prescribed HCG injections in conjunction with a 500 calorie a day diet to help adults lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days – sometimes more. Because times have changed, and research has enabled us to learn more about how HCG helps people lose weight, we have updated and modified the protocol to provide more food with the same expected weight loss. Comparing the 800 calorie HCG Diet vs. 500 calories is easy. We mostly see a change in the amount of food that you can eat and when you can consume it.
When you eat less than 800 calories a day, your body goes into a starvation mode. This alerts the body to a lack of food, and it then hangs on to whatever stored fat it can find. Instead of using that stored fat for fuel, the body instead pulls calories out of the muscles. That is why people on a very low-calorie diet tend to lose lean muscle mass rather than fat. What HCG does is trigger the hypothalamus that the body is not in starvation mode. Instead, it basically tricks it into releasing stored fat for fuel. The extra calories provided when you incorporate the HCG Diet 800 calorie protocol vs. 500 calorie intake helps you avoid the feelings of hunger that so many people limited to 500 calories noticed. You will not have the lightheadedness, fatigue, or headaches associated with consuming only 500 calories a day.
Differences between the 800 and 500 Calorie HCG Diets
The biggest difference you see with the 800 calorie HCG Diet protocol is the addition of breakfast. Where previously only one cup of coffee or tea was allowed in the morning, you now eat a breakfast consisting of an egg (prepared in a variety of options), a piece of fruit or handful of strawberries, as well as your cup of tea or coffee. You may use up to 1 tablespoon of low-fat milk for your coffee each day, but no sugar. Stevia is still the only sweetener allowed on the HCG Diet.
You will still lose weight rapidly with the newly modified HCG Diet plan. 800 calories may seem like a big jump from the original 300, but the increase does not hinder your weight loss efforts. The addition of protein and a piece of fruit in the morning is what the body needs to jump start the day and the metabolism.
For those of you who wonder if you will be hungry consuming only 800 calories each day, do not fear – the HCG and vitamin B12 injections will help defeat your feelings of hunger. Additionally, since you can have an apple between meals, this helps to further curb hunger while also fulfilling the need for something sweet.
By providing you with an 800 calorie HCG Diet protocol food guide, we are making it easier for you to rid your body of those unwanted pounds. We provide you with recipes that combine the protein and vegetable options that require only a few minutes of prep work. In no time at all, you will have delicious and nutritious meals on the table that your whole family will enjoy. They may not need to diet, but they will reap the rewards of eating in a new, healthy way.
How to Achieve Success with the HCG 800 Calorie Diet
The best way to achieve success with the HCG Diet program is by sticking to and following all of the rules. There are four distinct phases of the HCG weight loss program. Each one plays a crucial role in the quest for permanent weight loss. If you skip any phase, or do not follow as directed, you will not get the results you desire.
You also want to ensure that you use only real HCG injections – not the HCG drops you often see advertised in magazines and on the internet. Real HCG is what will help you lose those extra pounds and keep them off.
The 800 calorie HCG Diet reviews shows that consuming an extra 300 calories a day provides only positive benefits while still maintaining rapid weight loss. To learn more about how today’s modified HCG diet can help you, contact Weight Loss Medical Center for a free consultation.