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HCG HCG Diet HCG Injections HCG Weight Loss HCG Clinics HCG Doctors

HCG Weight Loss Doctors in North Carolina

Being born in the southern part of the United States, I grew up as a southern bell in every respect of the word. It was a wonderful life; however, the major downfall was that I spent my entire childhood growing up on very unhealthy, fatty and fried foods. It was basically all my family ate. All social events and gatherings with family and friends were centered around eating all kinds of fried delicacies. We did not know how bad it was for our health at the time, as it was just our way of life. My brother and I were never taught good eating habits by my parents, and hence, we were overweight children who grew up to be overweight adults. I am not angry with my parents and I don’t blame them for my being overweight, as they did the best they could with all they knew, but I do believe that is the reason for my being very heavy as an adult too and why I never ate properly. I did not learn about eating healthy until I was out of my parent’s house and living on my own. As an adult, I finally realized that I was unhealthy and I realized that I had low self esteem. I had never been happy with my body, but just overlooked that until I grew up and knew that this was not a “normal” way to feel about myself. One day, I finally decided that I wanted to make a change in my life both physically and mentally. I knew that I could do that by losing a lot of weight off of my body and I wanted to do it. I was very tired of having to always cover up in big clothing to hide my hefty figure, I didn’t like the fact that I never got any attention from the opposite sex and I was just tired of always feeling an overall lack of energy and a lack desire to do enjoyable things and to enjoy my life to its fullest. I just was not a happy person and I wanted to change that. I had heard a lot about the HCG Diet Program and I wanted to learn even more about it because everything I heard so far sounded amazing! With all the different choices of weight loss programs out there on the market, it could get very confusing to know what was best for you, but it was very clear to me that the only diet program that seemed viable for me and my lifestyle was this kind of weight loss plan. Unlike many of the other diet programs that are just out to sell diet products and supplies to make money without giving much guidance at all to their clients, the diet program that Weight Loss Medical Center offered was not like that at all. The word about this diet plan was that it was not only very safe to do, but that it was also medically supervised by fully licensed HCG Weight Loss Doctors, and in addition, it was also said to be very convenient and easy to do as well. That certainly sounded perfect for me!

I found this website and immediately began reading everything about the diet plan. It did not take long before he filled out the Contact Form on the page and continued reading the amazing testimonials on the website while I waited for clinical advisor to contact me. The testimonials I read here were all such heartwarming and touching stories from people from all walks of life who had at least one major thing in common. They all wanted to lose weight in a safe and effective way and they did so by doing this diet plan protocol. I wanted to be another success story very badly and I wanted to do it under the care and guidance of HCG Weight Loss Doctors in North Carolina.

One of the things that I loved so much about this weight loss program was that it was not only about losing weight. Of course I had heard that one could lose up to 30 pounds in 30 days, which sounded amazing to me, but Weight Loss Medical Center took their diet program and whole step further than just losing weight. The company prided itself on their amazing customer service that was individualized to each and every client that was on their HCG Diet. The diet program was also based on providing a full education on good eating habits and learning how to live a healthy lifestyle for the rest of the client’s life and not just while on the diet plan protocol. The diet program taught clients how to choose the proper healthy low calorie foods to eat and how to prepare meals in healthy ways. During the diet plan protocol, strenuous exercise was discouraged; however, it was definitely encouraged after the 6 week diet plan was completed. The clinical advisers gave tricks and tips to all clients on how to eat right and exercise after the diet plan was over. Losing weight while on the diet plan and sticking to the 700 calorie diet plan protocol was extremely important, but also maintaining weight loss after the diet plan was over was also just as important.

I had heard that the HCG Benefits were pretty incredible with this diet plan, and that the hormone that was involved, human chorionic gonadotropin, along with Vitamin B 12 and a vitamin complex that was included in the injections, all worked together to help decrease appetite and to “reset” the body’s metabolism so that the person could lose weight quickly while not feeling hungry. Because of the vitamins, the person would have enough energy to actually feel really great while dieting. The Vitamin B 12 and the vitamin complex provided the energy and the “brain food” that made eating the lower number of calories easy to do. I never could imagine actually feeling great while not eating all the fried junk I loved so much and was so used to eating, so this was an exciting change in attitude about dieting for me.

Another benefit of the HCG that was self administered through a relatively painless injection was that once the person stopped the injections because the diet plan was over, they did not immediately gain back their appetite the way it used to be before they began the injections. Most other diet plans that contain medications such as diet pills, drops, powders or sprays are usually not successful in the long term for most people because once they stop taking the diet pills, drops, powders or sprays, their appetites come right back and they begin over eating once again. That was not the case with this diet program and just one more reason why I was so excited about beginning it.

After speaking for a while with my clinical advisor, it was time for me to share my medical history with an HCG Diet Doctor. I was told that I did not have to go to any doctor’s offices or weight loss clinics locally in my area, but that the medical history form that I needed to fill out was right on the website. So, I filled out the form right from my own home online and it was reviewed and analyzed by one of the fully licensed physicians from the company. It was a good feeling to know that this program was medically supervised by professional expert weight loss doctors. To my joy, the doctor who reviewed my medical history said that this diet plan was a great fit for me, he cleared me as being in good enough physical condition to go onto the diet plan and he wrote me an HCG Prescription to begin the 6 week diet program! I was super excited and could not wait to receive my weight loss diet products and supplies, which my clinical advisor said that she would have shipped to my house directly from one of the company’s pharmacies. I did not have to go to any local pharmacies in my hometown of Cary NC to purchase or pick up my diet supplies. I was thrilled that they were going to be coming straight to my home. How much more convenient can a diet plan be?

Six weeks passed by very quickly and I became a completely new person during that time frame. I lost a lot of weight and felt better than I ever have in my entire life. I was very excited to share my weight loss success with my brother and I was even more excited and wanting to teach him everything that I had learned while being on this HCG diet plan. He needed to learn how to eat correctly, how to choose good foods to eat that were not unhealthy, fatty and fried and he also had to learn how to prepare food in healthy ways. When my brother visited NC (he lives in Phoenix AZ) and physically saw me in person, he could not believe how differently I looked and he was so happy for me, that it brought tears to his eyes. Later that day, he called Weight Loss Medical Center to speak to a clinical advisor about going on to this diet program himself in Arizona. That in return, made me feel even better! Life is great and not only do I have a brand new, happier and healthier life, I know that my brother will too once he gets home and begins the Doctor Prescribe HCG Diet for Weight Loss just like I had done!

Erica W.
Cary NC

[To protect the confidentiality of our clients, the above names have been changed. The stories represent composites of our client’s commentary.]