HCG Diet Plan—A Weight Loss Protocol With Dramatic Results

The best way to know what your future holds is to create it yourself. In a few short months, you could be standing proudly before a full-length mirror, seeing that all of your unhealthy fat has vanished before your eyes—vaporized. Just six weeks from now, your old, poor eating habits could be broken. You could look and feel like a new person. One who is excited about waking up each new day in a body that feels as terrific on the inside as it looks on the outside. The future is up to you. It’s time to grab it with both hands, pull it close to your chest, and claim it as your own. If losing your abnormal fat is something you would like to see in your future, it has never been easier to accomplish. Weight Loss Medical Center has everything you need to get started right away on the original HCG diet, the dramatic weight loss program you’ve been hearing about everywhere. The one that can help you create the future you’ve been hoping for. The HCG Diet Plan for safe and rapid weight loss will be shipped to you after you fill out the medical form online and are approved to start. Your diet kit will arrive at your doorstep with everything you need. No more wondering about how to find a diet doctor or weight loss clinic. No more pondering when you will be able to get started on this amazing program. Television talk show hosts have featured guests who say they have been able to lose 30 Lbs. in 30 days on the program. Pricey medical spas that offer the full compliment of cutting-edge weight loss and beauty treatments are touting this innovative Weight Loss Protocol as the newest and best way to jumpstart your weight loss by specifically targeting fat cells. Perhaps you’ve heard about the HCG Diet Plan while listening to podcasts about the latest in health and nutrition, or while reading the newspaper on a Sunday morning over a cup of coffee. There is an excited buzz among your friends, family and coworkers who are wondering: Just what is a HCG diet? If you, too, are interested in learning more about—and trying—this fantastic program that you’ve been hearing so much about, you’ve just found the perfect place. Our experienced doctors and client counselors are waiting for your call so they can get you started right away on the HCG Diet Plan, with doctor prescribed HCG diet injections. Everything you need is shipped direct to you. Should you ever have a question or a concern about your HCG diet we make ourselves available to you 110% to guide and support you as you embark on this remarkable Weight Loss Protocol.
HCG Diet Clinics & HCG Diet Doctors with At-Home Convenience
You can find over-the-counter products that claim to tap into the power of HCG for weight loss just about anywhere. Oral HCG diet drops and sprays are sold online, in some health food stores, and in some vitamin shops. If you haven’t already, please don’t be fooled by these imposter products which may be ineffective or even dangerous. Our HCG diet program is the real deal. It is a medical weight loss diet—prescribed just for you by a licensed physician who knows your medical history. This is what people refer to as the HCG complete diet, and this is the one that everyone is talking about. If you’ve made up your mind to reshape yourself and your future, and you’re really ready to lose weight, then the real HCG diet is the only way to go. Now you can do it the easy and convenient way—right from the comfort of your own home. No trying to locate HCG Diet Clinics in your neighborhood. No hassle of waiting around in doctor’s offices and explaining why you hate being overweight. No worries about being judged by the slim twenty-year-old receptionist with perfect teeth who hands you a clipboard and tells you to take a seat. Our HCG Diet Doctors come straight to you with a time-tested, safe and effective program to lose weight quickly and easily. The best part is, it doesn’t matter where in the U.S. you live. Whether you are looking to try the HCG diet in San Diego, which is a large modern metropolis, or in the remote wilderness of Alaska, the beauty of our program is that our top-notch HCG Diet Doctors can supervise your therapy electronically, regardless of your location. Those who have tried us are all too happy to write glowing HCG diet testimonials at our request because they are so pleased with their own results and our excellent start-to-finish service. They’ve discovered what you soon will, that we have the very best HCG Diet Clinics with experienced doctors standing by ready to evaluate your medical history and then write a prescription for everything you need to get started on the plan immediately. Our great service isn’t just a doctor’s prescription and a pat on the back sending you on your way to go-it alone. Whenever—wherever—you have questions about your HCG diet program our dedicated team of knowledgeable support staff is only a phone call away.
What Is the HCG Diet Program—HCG Diet Protocol
You’ve heard about how terrific the official HCG diet plan is for rapid weight loss. Still, you may be wondering: What Is the HCG Diet Program? On these pages you will learn everything you ever wanted to know, and more, about this remarkable program! Did you know that diet doctors have been using human chorionic gonadotropin, or HCG, for decades as method for speedy, targeted weight loss? In fact, the program was first written about more than 50 years ago! Only recently, however, has the complete HCG diet really caught fire because of its tremendous success and because of the tremendous power of the Internet to make this knowledge available to anyone with a desire to learn about it. Stories about the HCG Diet Protocol for weight loss have gone viral on the Internet and now there is no stopping information about the power of HCG from reaching every individual who has tried in vain over the years to lose weight quickly. HCG is an all-natural hormone that’s produced by the human body and plays a role in metabolism and the brain’s perception of hunger. When small injections of HCG are taken daily over a short period, abnormal fat becomes mobilized within the body. Combine this with a very low calorie diet and you will burn up excess fat very rapidly, with the benefit of actually resetting your metabolism. Our HCG Diet Protocol is a complete weight loss program. It’s not just for a day, a week, or a month. It’s for a lifetime. Our weight loss protocol has four distinct phases and closely follows the original HCG diet first discovered by famed British endocrinologist Albert T.W. Simeons. If you have ever asked, What Is the HCG Diet Program and what makes it so unique, the answer is doctor prescribed, HCG diet shots and Vitamin B-12 shots that you give yourself each day during HCG diet phase 2. The HCG shots tell your body to burn fat, not muscle, while you are rapidly losing weight on a 500 calorie HCG diet. This diet is great for many reasons. You are taking a safe, all-natural hormone for a short duration, as opposed to diet pills with dangerous side effects that unnaturally rev up your metabolism and stop working as soon as you stop taking them. What’s more, with our HCG Diet Protocol, there’s no need to purchase premade meals because you cook and prepare your own food. There is also no need to engage in vigorous exercise to burn calories, which only makes you hungrier. These are just a few of the reasons so many people are give HCG diet reviews a five-star rating.
How Does HCG Diet Work & HCG Diet Information

Maybe you’re the kind of person who spots something good and jumps in right away—with both feet. Or, maybe you’re the kind of person who likes to learn everything you can and tests the waters slowly, one timid toe at a time. No matter how you approach new experiences, you’ll find that the clinical associates and doctors at Weight Loss Medical Center are a great fit for all kinds of people, whether you are the relaxed and easy going sort or are more of an intense and focused Type-A person. No matter your personality, we expect you’ll have at least a few questions for us about How Does HCG Diet Work. You may be wondering about HCG diet rules, what to eat, and when to eat it. You might have concerns about giving yourself the small, once-daily injections of HCG and Vitamin B-12 that are required for your dieting success. No need worry. We will give you all the HCG Diet Information you need. It might impress you to know that many of our clinical associates were our clients first, before embarking on a career with our company. They got started on their careers here because they were so pleased with our products and level of service when they tried it themselves. The chances are high that the clinical associate you speak with may have already tried the program and can share their HCG Diet Information with you firsthand. Even if they haven’t—you’ll find they’re pros. Of course, you can read about whatever aspect of the real HCG diet that interests you right here on these pages. Our web site is a great HCG diet guide and one of the best and most comprehensive resources you’ll ever find about this program. Really, though, there is no need to read through pages of web materials on HCG Diet Information if you’re not the sort who enjoys this kind of thing. Feel free to simply pick up the phone and contact our friendly doctors and clinical associates who are ready to answer any and all questions you may have about How Does HCG Diet Work. It’s easier than you may think. Our clinical associates will explain everything you need to know to do this diet, and do it successfully. You don’t need to read further—just call us!
HCG Diet Guidelines & HCG Diet Phases
The official HCG diet plan is very different than any other diet you’ve tried before. It isn’t just about eating a certain kind of food, or simply restricting your caloric intake. This is a medical weight loss program where you take daily injections of HCG and B-12 combined with a very specific, phase-by-phase eating program. The goal is to rapidly burn excess abnormal fat stores from the body as a means to jumpstart a healthy weight loss program. The reason is that there are distinct HCG Diet Phases that make up the program. Chances are, diets you’ve tried in the past have been relatively unstructured. You may have been told to avoid a certain food group, but could eat anything you wanted that wasn’t off limits. You may have been advised to eat only a certain number of calories, but could choose whatever foods you liked. You may have been told to drink diet shakes for breakfast and lunch, but then could eat anything for dinner that you wanted. Unlike these programs, the HCG Diet Guidelines are highly specific. Our program is organized into three distinct HCG Diet Phases and a fourth phase we like to call “the forever phase.” HCG diet plan phase 1 lasts for two days. During this time you will be taking HCG and B12 injections and will also be eating food that is high in fat. As much as you can! This might seem counter intuitive, but you will soon be moving on to a very low calorie diet and will need to have your normal fat reserves reasonably well stocked in order to be comfortable during this phase. During HCG diet phase 2, which lasts six weeks, you’ll be doing the 500 calorie HCG diet along with injections of HCG and Vitamin B-12. Following this period, you will move on the HCG diet phase 3. This is the stabilization phase, where you will be adding more food back into your diet. In phase 4, or the forever phase, you be maintaining your weight loss using the healthy eating habits you picked up during the previous phase of the diet. This is just an overview of the HCG Diet Phases. We’ll make sure you understand everything you need to about the HCG Diet Guidelines and know exactly how to do this diet. Have more questions about the specifics of our program? Just ask. We will answer all of them!
Everything You Want to Know About HCG Diet Phase 1
HCG Diet Phase 1 is commonly referred to as the loading phase. Usually this phase lasts for two days. During this time, you will be taking HCG and B-12 injections. You will also be eating more high-fat food than you normally would. Yes you read this right—you will be increasing your calorie count by about 50-100%, mostly from fatty foods. “Wait,” you say. “This doesn’t make any sense. All my life I’ve been warned to stay away from high fat foods. I’ve also felt guilty for eating them!” Well, for two brief days on this program you will have the opportunity to eat all those high-fat foods you’ve been missing. There is no need to feel guilty because this is a vital part of the program. In fact, the creator of the original HCG diet, Dr. A.T. Simeons, warned against skipping HCG Diet Phase 1. The reason is that many individuals who embark on this program do so after excessive previous dieting. They have lost weight, but not the right kind of weight, the kind that comes from abnormal fat stores. It’s important that once you begin the Very Low Calorie Diet you are comfortable. You will not be excessively hungry on the HCG 500 calorie diet plan if your normal fat reserves are well stocked. This is why the increased calories during HCG Diet Phase 1 is so important. So, you ask, “What should I eat during this phase of the program?” The answer is you should eat all the fattening foods you’ve been restricting during this two-day period. Looking for HCG Diet Phase 1 Recipes? Why not try some of the fattiest foods in America, such as bacon-wrapped meatloaf, which is popular in Alabama or Eskimo ice cream, a favorite in Alaska. How about trying an old- fashioned American cheese burger and fries, the kind that is so popular in Las Vegas Arizona? Or, how about fried Catfish a beloved Arkansas recipe, complete with side orders cheese grits and fried shrimp? It really doesn’t matter what fatty foods you select for eating during these few days. But whatever foods you do choose to eat during HCG Diet Phase 1, please don’t skip this important step. Be sure to include more fatty foods than sugary foods. If you focus just on sugar-filled foods, you will probably have a headache the first couple of days of Phase 2. According to Dr. Simeons, it takes about three HCG injections before your abnormal fat deposits begin to mobilize and circulate within your blood stream, becoming available for your body to use as energy.
HCG Diet Phase 2 – Facts and Information on HCG Diet Recipes
At this point in the program, the abnormal fat stores within your body are on the move and circulating within your blood stream as a consequence of the HCG injections. You will now move on to the Ultra Low Calorie portion of the diet, known as HCG Diet Phase 2. During this period, your caloric intake is very limited. Fortunately, because of the HCG you are taking, your appetite should be adequately controlled, as your stored body fat is being mobilized and used. You may be surprised to learn that during this part of the diet some people report having to actually force themselves to eat the 500 calorie HCG diet menu. There is some flexibility when it comes to HCG Diet Recipes. Here is a general overview of what you will eat in a 24-hour period.
Breakfast: Breakfast consists of tea or coffee—as much as you care for, without the addition of sugar. Stevia can be used to sweeten your morning beverages. A tablespoon of milk is allowed in a 24-hour period. You may wish to spread out the milk serving over 2 or 4 beverages. For example, you could use ? tablespoon of milk for one cup of coffee and save the other for a cup of tea later in the day.
Lunch and Dinner: Phase 2 HCG diet lunch and dinner choices are the same. You are allowed 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, crab or shrimp with all visible fat should be removed before boiling or grilling the meat. In addition to the main meat dish, you are also allowed to choose a vegetable from a list of choices, a breadstick or piece of melba toast, and a piece of fruit.
No oil, butter or dressing may be used on foods, but seasonings of all kinds are allowed, such as salt, pepper, vinegar, basil and the like. Be sure to check seasoning blends for sugar content, and avoid those. You may also use the juice of one lemon throughout the day for all purposes. Those on the HCG Diet Phase 2 can drink as much water, tea and coffee as they like throughout the day.
Moving on to HCG Diet Phase 3
After the second phase of the diet concludes, and you are no longer doing the injections, it is necessary to continue the 500 calorie HCG diet menu for 3 more days. After this, you will begin HCG Diet Phase 3, also known as the stabilization phase. This is a six week program comprising days 43-84. During this time, you will be adding more foods back into your diet. In fact, you will be able to eat anything you like except sugars and starches. During this time, you will be weighing yourself every morning. Should your weight exceed your weight on the last day of the injection phase of the diet, there is a protocol for getting you back on track by skipping breakfast and lunch and having a steak dinner. It is rare that individuals will find themselves in the position of having to skip a meal. It takes about three weeks for weight to stabilize during HCG Diet Phase 3. During this part of the diet, many people are surprised by their lack of appetite and also how much they are able to eat without weight gain. Once stabilization has occurred you are now in the “Forever Phase” where healthy eating habits have become a way of life.
Our Doctor Prescribed HCG Diet Reviews
I grew up in Long Island NY and moved to Oakland CA after college. I wasn’t planning on heading back East for my ten-year high school reunion until my bestie called me and said, “Of course you’re going! I already booked you a ticket.” I was excited to see everybody from the good ole days but of course I wanted to look my best—and the prospect of strutting around with the 20 extra pounds I’d gained since high school wasn’t what I had in mind. I’d been seeing info on HCG diet everywhere and was real curious. It wasn’t just about my upcoming high school reunion, although that’s what gave me the push to finally do it. I was really ready. Let me say it worked like a charm. In one month, I had lost all of my excess body fat, felt great, and was packing my bags for NY with a whole new wardrobe. Shout out to Amanda (my clinical advisor at Weight Loss Medical Center) who was amazing in every way. She hooked me up with the program 1-2-3 and even stayed on the phone with me when I gave myself my first HCG diet shot. BTW: Don’t be afraid. It doesn’t hurt and it’s really easy!

I started out as a personal trainer and opened my own fitness center five years ago in Austin TX. Despite the economy, my business has been booming. Kept the Austin location open and started another site in Dallas TX, then on to Fort Worth TX. I’ve got lots of trainers working for me in my three locations and but got so busy on the business end with leases, insurance, taxes and all that jazz that I basically stopped doing any training myself and found myself pretty out of shape. I also turned 40 on top of that so my metabolism has slowed down a lot. Everybody in the fitness community knows about HCG and some of my trainers even sell the HCG diet drop method on the side, which I discourage because this just doesn’t give any real results for weight loss, in my experience. I tell anyone who I think is a good candidate for this, those with abnormal fat to lose and ready to make a lasting change in their eating habits, that if you are going to do the HCG diet in Dallas TX or any place else that the best way is to order it online, but from a real licensed US Clinic or pharmacy, because you save money and get everything you need. Looking at my own belly fat one morning, I realized it was time to take a healthy dose of my own advice. Worked exactly like they said it would, and I’m back on track with my own diet. Completely recommend your doctors and clinical advisors for those clients and friends in all my locations: Dallas TX, Austin TX, and Fort Worth TX. You guys make it so simple no matter where you want to do Dr Simeons HCG diet protocol. Thanks.
I work in a modeling agency in South Beach FL. I’m not a model myself, but being in the business I get to meet and talk to a lot of people whose job it is to look beautiful and be thin. I’m keyed into every diet trend and weight loss technique and the HCG diet in Miami FL is definitely rocking the charts right now in terms of popularity. This means a lot, considering our neighborhood was actually the inspiration for the famous book The South Beach Diet. Until the past few years, I was always in great shape and I still am, for the most part. I try to hit the gym at least twice a week. I do yoga, get chiropractic treatments, eat right, etc. However, I have developed a bit of a gut lately—just not eating as well as I should be? So I started asking around in the agency about the HCG diet for men and turns out one of our appointment setters at the agency, a man, was just starting on the program. He said it’s supposed to work just as well for guys and the principles behind it are exactly the same. He hipped me to your site, so I called the next day and had the kit sent. Lost the belly fat right away and have had no problem whatsoever keeping the weight off. Anyone who asks me about HCG diet clinics in Florida will definitely get my recommendation of your program.
I’m in my 50s and have battled with my weight since childhood. If there’s a diet out there, I’ve tried it. The South Beach Diet, The Zone Diet, The Atkins Diet, The Grapefruit Diet—all of them. I am sure any one of these diets would have worked had I stuck with them but I just never had the ability to stay on a diet for very long. When heard about the HCG diet, I decided to give it a try. Looked for HCG diet clinics in Arizona and did find two near me. I stopped by, spoke to the receptionists there, and was really shocked by the price of the doctor visits and injections. I also got the feeling these clinics were more about selling cosmetic products like Botox and Restylane than they were about dieting. I was skeptical to buy HCG diet programs online but your site caught my eye, so I called. The gentleman who took my call was very knowledgeable and straightforward about the price of the diet and what it could do for me. (Sorry, I don’t recall his name.) I was surprised by how inexpensive it was. He said the diet would burn up my excess fat really fast, and I wouldn’t be hungry during the injection phase of the diet, but that it wasn’t a miracle and I would have to work hard, especially once the injection phase was over, to maintain the weight loss by changing my eating habits. I decided to go for it and ordered the program. Glad I did it online as opposed to the expensive HCG diet Phoenix AZ clinics I’d walked into initially. The diet worked as promised and I am working to keep it off. So far I’ve done a pretty good job.
My friends and I are waitresses in a nightclub in Las Vegas NV and looking good is part of our job. Us girls got together and decided to try the HCG diet with injections, which has become popular here because you lose a lot of weight real fast on the program. We don’t have time to sit around in some Las Vegas HCG diet clinic, besides which we work nights so that’s not even possible. Anyways, laying out a ton of cash for the program wasn’t going to happen so we found your site and it was beyond simple. Our kits arrived two days after we filled out the medical forms and we were rockin’. Doing the diet with your home girls is straight up the best way. If you are looking to do the HCG diet in Las Vegas, we totally recommend this program and this place to buy HCG in Vegas.
FAQ’s About Our HCG Diet Program
Julie in Denver CO asks: Does the HCG diet work?
We hear this question a lot and you might be surprised by our answer—it might. If you follow the diet as instructed, you will rapidly lose excess fat stores during the injection phase of the diet. However, this diet is about resetting your metabolism and getting your body back on track and to a place where you can begin to eat better and live a healthier lifestyle, one that includes exercise. Denver CO is a great place to live and a wonderful place to be fit and active, so you already have a lot going for you! Dr Simeons HCG diet is a truly wonderful program for rapid weight loss that targets stored fat. It is not a miracle however, and whether the diet will work for you in the long term entirely depends on what you make of it.
Alex in Columbus OH asks: Once the injection phase of the HCG diet is over, won’t I gain the weight I lost back? I’m looking for HCG diet Columbus Ohio advice.
One of the benefits of the HCG diet weight loss method is that many who follow the protocol properly through the injection phase don’t experience the rebound weight gain that is so often experienced by those on other rapid weight loss programs. Why are HCG diet results are so positive? The answer may be a combination of factors. Once you go through the program and have mobilized and lost your stored abnormal fat, it’s as if you are starting fresh and have “reset” your metabolism. This appears to play a role in why people experience less rebound weight gain on this diet than on some other programs. Losing weight quickly also does wonders for your motivation. Looking great and feeling great are the two reasons people cite most for wanting to lose weight. These are also the two main reasons why people are determined to keep their weight off. The HCG weight loss diet allows you to do both and the results are inspirational. This program is magic, however, and you will have to work hard to keep off the weight by eating right and exercising. This is why it’s so important to be truly committed to making permanent changes in your eating and exercise habits once the injection phase of the diet is complete. This is essential for HCG diet maintenance.
Monica in Philadelphia PA asks: Any way I can do the HCG diet without shots?
Oral HCG diet drops and sprays are can be found anywhere, including Philadelphia PA, but we advise against these products and don’t sell them. The key component of the program we offer is injectable HCG and Vitamin B-12. Participants administer the shots themselves once a day with a small needle, just like the one diabetics use to administer insulin. You might think an HCG diet shot is scary or painful but most people get over apprehension quickly. Your medical adviser will show you videos with a real person taking the HCG Injection right there on the screen. You’ll also be sent complete instructions that you can print out and follow along. Don’t let this stand in the way of getting the body of your dreams. In our experience, this is the only form of HCG that is both safe and effective.
Mark in Salt Lake City Utah asks: Looking for HCG diet Salt Lake City Utah and I am wondering about different versions. Don’t have a lot of money to spend but would like to try it. Is there a free HCG diet?
A wise person once said: “The best things in life are free.” This may be true about many things in life, but when it comes to the official HCG diet plan there is no free program. Here’s why. This diet isn’t just about finding the right recipes to follow, cooking up meals from those recipes and eating in accordance with the plan. This program requires that you take HCG diet supplements in the form of injectable HCG and Vitamin B-12. Right now, insurance companies don’t cover HCG injections when they are being used strictly for weight loss, so you will have to pay out of pocket for the treatment. Hopefully one day this will be a more widely recognized and endorsed medical treatment for obesity and will be covered by insurance plans.
Lucy in Huntsville AL asks: Wondering what to eat on HCG diet?
Once you’re approved to begin the diet, we’ll make sure you know what foods you can eat, and when, during all four phases of the program. You’ll know what to expect and can make your HCG diet shopping list. We will even provide a sample shopping list to get you started. There isn’t one single menu but rather you’ll select what you like from a list and prepare foods to your taste. No fancy ingredients or supplies are needed. You can find everything you need in your regular supermarket in Huntsville AL.
Jack in Plano TX asks: Researching HCG diet info in Plano TX. Do you know of diet HCG doctors in Plano TX?
There are diet HCG clinics throughout the United States but regardless of whether you live in Plano TX or Peoria NY the awesome power of the HCG diet can come to your doorstep via our doctor-prescribed program which is shipped to you after you fill out the required medical history form. If you’ve had a chance to read some of our awesome client testimonials, you already know that we provide full HCG diet support and can answer any questions you have about how the HCG diet works or what you need to do once your kit arrives in the mail.
Josh in Seattle WA asks: Is it legal to buy HCG diet injections over the Internet?
It is legal to buy injectable HCG for use with the HCG injections diet plan online, as long as you have a prescription from a licensed doctor. We only provide injectable HCG with such a prescription. Moreover, we and strongly advise that if you find online sources that say they will sell you prescription medications without a prescription that you click off these sites immediately and look elsewhere. Whether you live in Seattle WA or Miami FL, this in the only way to be sure of buying real legal HCG diet injections. There are many sites out there that proclaim: “HCG diet sale buy HCG diet shots” but unless you have a valid prescription from a medical or osteopathic physician please do not purchase or take such medication.
Sasha in Tampa FL asks: What is the best HCG diet?
If you are interested in trying the HCG method of weight loss, it’s up to you to do the research and find the program that you think best meets your objectives and goals. No one can answer this question but you. It’s our position that injectable HCG for weight loss, prescribed by a licensed physician, is the safest and most effective option available. Of course, we have great confidence in our program and our great staff, but it’s up to you to decide for yourself about what qualifies as the best. Good luck in Tampa FL finding the program that’s best for you, Sasha!
Kelly in Los Angeles CA asks: What are the side effects of the HCG diet?
Any medication has the potential to cause side effects, but whether you will experience HCG diet side effects depends on your body and how it reacts to this medication. Many people who take HCG have no side effects or minor side effects that could include nausea or pain, swelling or redness at the injection site. However, other side effects of the HCG diet injections are possible. Be sure to read the package insert and consult with your doctor should you have any questions.
Denise in Washington DC asks: Looking for a cheap HCG diet. Any advice?
No one wants to pay more for something than it’s worth and you are no exception. Call us for a price quote, and you’ll see just how reasonably priced our program is. Shipping costs may vary depending on your Washington DC location. If you’ve tried other diets in the past that require you buy expensive prepackaged meals or shakes, or to pay ongoing membership fees, you know that some diets can be pricy. Ours isn’t, and some would even call it a cheap HCG diet—although we prefer the term “inexpensive.”
Craig in Scottsdale AZ asks: Seeking an HCG diet Scottsville AZ clinic. Do you have one there?
We have locations and doctors throughout the United States, but you need not come into a clinic to get started on this program. Once you fill out the medical history form and are approved to start the diet, we’ll send the HCG diet shots and Vitamin B-12 shots right to you, along with everything else you need to get started. You can get started now with the short Contact Form on this page. Just complete it and one of our clinical advisers will get right back to you. You can also give us a call on the toll free number at the top of this page if you would like to get started more quickly.

Lori, we don’t publish our prices online because there is some day-to-day fluctuation in pricing based on changing shipping costs and other factors. However, we will be happy to quote you an exact price when you call. You’ll find that our pricing is terrific compared to HCG diet New York clinics. We are able to offer the best prices available for the complete HCG diet program with doctor-prescribed, medical grade HCG and Vitamin B-12 injections. We know fantastic pricing is one reason why our clients choose us. We’re able to keep our prices so low because we make efficient patient care our number one priority. However, we will never compromise your health or the effectiveness of the program by offering cheap, inferior products. We’re confident you’ll be pleased with the low cost of our program, which is certainly competitive with any program you’ve been researching for the HCG diet in NYC.
Ted in Tucson AZ asks: Is the HCG diet safe?
The official HCG diet with injections that we offer to our clients is very safe. The reason is that the HCG you’ll be taking is prescribed by a licensed physician who is aware of your full medical history. HCG is a naturally occurring hormone within the body and has even been shown to have a number of health benefits totally apart from weight loss. Please be careful, however, of so-called homeopathic HCG drops, which are sold without a doctor’s prescription and may contain harmful or ineffective ingredients. Our doctors don’t prescribe or endorse the use of these products and go so far as to warn against them. If you’re seeing these kinds of products in HCG diet Tuscan AZ clinics please avoid them.
Jon in Chicago IL asks: Wondering about HCG diet how does it work?
Human chorionic gonadotropin (also known as HCG) is a natural hormone that peaks in women during pregnancy. This hormone plays a role in appetite—the sensation of hunger—and also in metabolism, or how the body regulates its energy stores. More than 50 years ago a British endocrinologist concluded that HCG is what helps mobilize stored fat within the body so that it can be used by mother and developing baby during pregnancy. He theorized that if this hormone was given to people who had abnormal fat stores, it would help release the excess fat which would be burned up if the person was also eating a low calorie diet. Today, Dr Simeons HCG diet book, which first explained this weight loss program, has become a model for medical weight loss using this hormone via small injections. It’s the reason you’ll find so much information available today about the HCG diet in Chicago IL, where you are, as well as other places throughout the United States.
Miriam in San Francisco asks: Where can I find a clinic to buy HCG diet drops?
You won’t see HCG diet drops for sale on our web site because they aren’t effective and could even be unsafe. This doesn’t mean products marketed as homeopathic HCG diet drops or sprays aren’t available on some web sites, in some health food stores, in gyms, and in diet clinics. These products may or may not contain some trace amounts of HCG but what amount, if any, isn’t usually disclosed. Some of our clients have reported using these drops as part of an HCG homeopathic diet before they found us. Almost all of them report they were totally ineffective and a waste of money. Of course, we encourage everyone to do their own research and make their own decisions about what’s best for them.
Elizabeth in Boston MA asks: What are the HCG diet pros and cons?
The HCG injection diet is an excellent choice for those who have abnormal body fat stores and want to get rid of them quickly. There are many reasons to lose weight fast in Boston MA. Maybe you are looking to escape the freezing Northern winters and set sail on a Caribbean cruise in one month’s time, and you want to look fantastic in your swimsuit. Maybe you want to lose weight in time for a special event, such as your upcoming wedding day or your class reunion. Maybe you’re just ready to lose the fat and don’t want to spend months dieting before seeing results. The biggest pro of the HCG diet is quick, targeted weight loss. If you are healthy and approved for the program, there are no HCG diet dangers. However, you must be mentally ready to lose the fat, because it will come off quickly. Once it has, you will have to make a permanent change in your eating and exercise habits to maintain your weight loss.
Andrea in Arlington VA asks: Can I cheat on the HCG diet?
Whether you are looking to lose weight in Arlington VA or anywhere else, cheating on a diet is a serious concern for most people, because cheating can lead to abandoning the diet altogether. Cheating on HCG diet programs will undermine your success. The injection phase of the diet is a relatively short period, and you need to make the most of it. Early proponents of the diet realized that even a small deviation from the program—mild cheating—makes a big difference in terms of effectiveness. To minimize the possibility of cheating, it’s important to time the start of your diet properly. Order HCG diet any time, but don’t start until you know you can stick to the program. For example, if you must attend a vital business dinner and feel you must eat so as not to offend the host, please wait to begin the diet.
Susan in Knoxville TN asks: What if I have HCG diet questions once my kit arrives?
We are a full-service, start to finish provider of this diet program. Once you place your order with us from your location in Knoxville TN, you are a valued customer entitled to ongoing support services from our excellent staff of diet coaches. Order HCG diet from us, and we are always a simple phone call or email message away to clarify instructions for HCG diet injections, your eating program, or anything else that you are concerned about. From your first phone call to our office until you reach your ultimate goal weight, we are here to support you.
Theo in Fort Lauderdale FL asks: Is there an HCG diet official web site?
You have landed on one of the most comprehensive resources available on the Internet about what is the HCG diet plan and how to get what you need to embark on this sensational program. There is no single “official” source for the program because it was created more than 50 years ago and the original protocol is now available for any physician in Fort Lauderdale FL, or anywhere else in the US, to implement. We think we do it best, however, and feel confident that you will as well. Once you make up your mind to try the HCG diet where to buy it is up to you. We hope you’ll choose us, but regardless our web site is open to all for its educational value. Feel free to explore our pages.
Scarlett in Atlanta GA asks: I want to get started right away. How soon will my HCG diet arrive?
We pride ourselves on fast service and have representatives available during business hours so we can take your call immediately and begin the process that will get your kit in the mail and on your doorstep as soon as possible. We ship your HCG diet kits fast. Picking up the phone and calling us is the best way to get started quickly. If you want to begin the process and it is after hours, you can get yourself started by filling out the medical history form online as well as the contact form. Someone will be in touch with you shortly. Shipping to your Atlanta GA location will be done promptly once you’ve been approved to start the program.