What Are HCG Diet Injections?

Obesity has become an epidemic in the United States, and many people are looking for ways to lose weight fast. Fad diets can be found everywhere, yet most do not work long term.
Is it possible to achieve quick weight loss and keep those pounds away for good?
For those who are serious about achieving these results, the HCG diet can make this goal a reality!
What are HCG diet injections and how do they work?
HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, a naturally occurring hormone in the body. It is often referred to as the pregnancy hormone because it spikes when a woman is pregnant. This allows for a developing baby to still receive nourishment from the mother even if she is unable to hold down food due to nausea. Fat stores will be utilized to provide that nourishment. The same fat stores will be depleted during the diet portion of this program.
In order to accomplish quick weight loss on this program, a 700 calorie a day meal plan must be adhered to at all times. This is an increase over the previous protocol that limited food consumed to be kept to only 500 calories a day. The new protocol still provides rapid weight loss and overall better results for those looking to lose those unwanted excess pounds.
What are HCG diet injections going to accomplish for me? During periods of fasting or starvation, the body senses what is going on, and for fear of not having anything to use for fuel, it will hold onto its stored fat reserves as long as possible. Instead, it will turn to muscle and bone cells to convert into energy. The HCG diet injections send signals to the brain that the body is not hungry, therefore allowing for the conversion of fat to fuel instead of muscles and bones.
What to Eat on HCG Diet
Losing weight does not have to be a difficult process. Although there are restrictions in regards to the foods that are allowed during the injections phase of the HCG diet, you will probably be surprised at just how much there is to eat. In fact, many people tell us they often have a difficult time eating all that is required.
How do you know what to eat on HCG diet?
At Weight Loss Medical Center, we provide everything that is needed in order for each person to be successful. Not only does that include answering what are HCG diet injections, as well as providing them and all of the supplies that go with them, we also provide a shopping list, meal plans, and fantastic recipes. This makes sticking with the program as easy as can be.
Consuming 700 calories is easy, and never feels like deprivation when you can eat:
- Shrimp, lobster, and crab
- Lean beef and poultry
- Oranges, apples, and grapefruit
- Tons of fresh vegetables
These are just some of the wonderful foods people get to enjoy every day while losing pound after pound of unwanted fat. Our recipes even include instructions for whipping up cool frozen cappuccinos and mock cocktails so that no one ever needs to feel left out of the fun.
Who’s ready to lose weight?
If you are one of the many who said yes that initially came here asking what are HCG diet injections, then it is probably time to get started. One phone call to our clinic is all it takes to see a change in the mirror in only a few weeks.
How to Get Started on the HCG Diet
In order for anything to happen in life, there has to be some type of starting point. When it comes to ridding the body of excess weight, there needs to be a clear decision that this time will be the right time when commitment and a proper plan come together to create a winning result.
Only when all of this is ready will success be forthcoming. Those who are asking what are HCG diet injections are clearly ready to make something happen in their lives. Chances are high that this is not the first diet program that has been tried, but it can be the last one that is ever needed. All it takes is contacting one of our experienced and professional weight loss experts to begin.
Imagine how phenomenal it will feel to once again fit into all of those clothes that have previously been shoved to the very back of the closet, out of sight and mind. Think about what it will be like to look in the bathroom or closet door mirror each morning and see a slimmer version of yourself gazing back from the reflection. These are some of the benefits of learning how to get started on the HCG diet. Our advisors will go over every step of the program with you over the phone. All necessary supplies, HCG shots, Vitamin B12 injections, and directions are provided. Online video links show how easy it is to administer these shots in your very own home. Finally, our weight loss pros are happy to talk our clients through the initial process on the telephone, to ensure success and ease of use.
There are certainly a lot of good reasons why losing weight is a good thing to accomplish for those who are carrying around excess bulk that they do not need. Ending foot pain, improving sleep, helping with allergies, and even creating glowing skin are among the reasons we see that most people do not think of right away.
The time has finally arrived to stop asking what are HCG diet injections, and instead to take directed action to get them today.