HCG Diet Protocol: How to Begin

Before you start the HCG Diet protocol you will want to familiarize yourself with the different steps – or phases. Each phase of the HCG Diet is as important as the next, and none should be left out if you want weight loss success.
Beginning the HCG diet is easy. You will receive a complete HCG weight loss kit from Weight Loss Medical Center that contains all of the supplies you need to get started. The only thing you will have to buy at the store is food, and to simplify that process, we include a comprehensive shopping list. You can take this list to the grocery store with you.
We recommend preparing a week’s worth of food in advance – typically over the weekend. This will help eliminate the urge to visit the local drive-thru after a busy day. It will also provide you with premade lunches to take to work. Proportioning your foods and snacks will also help simplify the HCG Diet program. When you familiarize yourself with the HCG Diet protocol basics, you get started on a path to rapid weight loss that you will be able to keep off for good.
Getting Started on the HCG Diet
Getting started on the HCG Diet is easy. You will spend the first two days eating just about anything you can get your hands on – especially foods that are high in fat. This is important because your body needs an abundant supply of fat in the bloodstream when the dieting begins.
Here is what you need to know about beginning your HCG Diet protocol:
- Phase 1 – Fat Loading
During Phase 1 of the HCG Diet, you will spend the first two days of your HCG injections consuming at least 2,000 calories a day. Focus on foods with a high-fat content. Think pasta, burgers, cheese, ribs, potatoes, avocados, sauces, bread, and pastries. Choose high-fat over low-fat when consuming dairy during this time. Try to eat every few hours during these two days.
- Phase 2 – Rapid Weight Loss
On day 3 of the HCG Diet, you will begin your fat burning program. Now, your caloric count will drop down to 800 each day. You will cut out all carbohydrates, dairy, grain, fats, and sugars. If this seems extreme, remember, the fat burning portion of the HCG Diet lasts for only six weeks, so it is a very short time. During that period, you will be losing up to a pound a day of unwanted fat. We provide you with an abundance of tasty, easy to prepare recipes that your whole family will love.
How to Keep the Weight from Coming Back
One of the biggest problems that dieters face is post weight-loss weight gain. This yo-yo dieting effect often leaves you heavier than when you began. By following all 4 phases of the HCG Diet as directed, this will no longer be a problem, as you will see by learning about Phases 3 and 4 below:
- Phase 3 – Stabilization
When your six weeks of HGH injections are done, you will begin a stabilization period that will last for 3 to 6 weeks in most cases. The amount of time is also determined by whether or not you want to lose additional weight. People with more than 3- to 40 pounds of fat often need extra HCG cycles to get rid of all of their weight. You will stabilize your weight loss first, increasing calories gradually and adding back into your diet other foods before starting over with Phase 1 again. Once you have reached your goal, you will complete the stabilization phase so that your body has a chance to get used to its lower weight. Your cravings will now be for healthier foods, and most people adopt their new dietary lifestyle of healthy eating forever.
- Phase 4 – Maintenance
At the end of Phase 3, your weight will finally be where you desire. You will look and feel better than you have in quite some time. Phase 4 is all about maintenance. Now is the time that you can add sugar again, although most people find that they have no desire for sugary treats. Your new-found cooking and eating habits will serve you well for the rest of your life.
To find out how to get started on the HGH Diet, contact Weight Loss Medical Center for a free consultation.