HCG Diet and Exercise

People just about everywhere in the United States have been talking about the incredible doctor monitored and prescribed HCG Diet and now as they delve deeper into this diet program, wonder about the specifics like HCG diet and exercise. Will you be able to handle the rigors of the HCG diet and combine it with a successful exercise program? We are betting you will, and we’ll be telling you more about that shortly as diet and exercise are critical to any weight loss and lifestyle changing regimen. With the help of this HCG clinic, each step of your weight loss journey will be guided by physicians and experts in delivering results you have not known in years or perhaps decades. We have done it for women and men from Philadelphia PA to San Diego CA, and we can do it for you too. You already know that you’re supposed to lose some incredible weight on the HCG diet: some ladies and gentlemen have shed as much as 30 pounds in 30 days! That is one big happy care package of awesome news for those among us who have secretly longed to go to a yoga class and not feel self-conscious; to go on a shopping spree where you buy clothes in sizes you haven’t dreamed of in decades. You know that feeling of having something really special going on with your body and wanting to celebrate it? Yes … that feeling. With HCG diet and exercise for women and men from Memphis TN and Little Rock AR, you will know the true satisfaction of setting out with a big goal and achieving it. Now you are wondering what the diet and exercise aspect of the HCG Diet really is.
HCG Diet And Exercise For Women and Men
Let’s begin with the basics of HCG or what is medically known as the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. Women would be most familiar with this secretion as a pregnancy power booster, as the female body literally floods the system with HCG once a pregnancy begins. HCG doctors and specialists have argued that a healthy pregnancy could not be carried to term without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, and some early pregnancy tests simply tested for HCG in urine to confirm a woman was pregnant. So whether you live in Cambridge MA or Savannah GA, you have to be wondering what does all this have to do with the HCG diet and how does it affect weight loss? We are glad you asked. It was actually quite some time ago that doctors and researchers linked human chorionic gonadotropin with weight loss and first began to suggest that HCG injections along with a doctor monitored HCG diet and exercise review could be the solution to fast, safe, quick and effective weight loss. Put to the test, as we have done here at Weight Loss Medical Center in scores of cases with women and men just like you living in Knob Hill CA, or all the way to Mobile AL, we can confirm that those early suppositions are completely true. With doctor prescribed HCG injections, combined with our B-12 booster shots, we have found that the weight literally melts away and the nagging inches recede just as fast. How will you respond to our dynamic weight loss program? We have every reason to expect that just like other women before you who stuck with the plan all the way through and strictly adhered to both the diet and exercise aspects of the program, your weight loss results will leave you, your friends and your colleagues open mouthed at how fantastic you look and how quickly you have shed the weight. It won’t be long at all before they are asking YOU about the Weight Loss Medical Center HCG diet and exercise plan and how they too can shed the pounds with doctor prescribed HCG injections and a solid, doctor assisted pathway of diet and exercise that clearly leads to the highly desired results every overweight person is after. In that moment, you’ll already be the thin one. Imagine how good that will feel!
Some Tips for the HCG Diet and Exercise Plan
The HCG Diet actually occurs in three phases which we are sure you are very curious about by now, especially since Phase 2 seems to get the lion’s share of the attention. So let’s set the record straight. In the HCG Diet Phase 1 or what is often called the “loading phase,” you will spend two days eating like royalty. By that we mean a very fat Queen or King, like the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. You’ll dine on that opening phase of the HCG diet, on a feast of fats. We are talking about fried chicken and Salisbury steaks, calorie dense dishes like full flavor steaks, fried shrimp po’ boys, lobster with drawn butter, whatever fatty dish sets your taste buds on fire. Your goal is to increase your calorie intake by about half … if you usually consume 2,000 calories a day, then increase it to 3,000 for these two days. Of course, if you reviewed the tips for the HCG diet and exercise plan, then you would know that this Phase 1 of the weight loss program is short lived, lasting just long enough to induce your body into an altered state as it prepares to begin doctor prescribed HCG injections and also the B-12 booster shots that will be supercharging your metabolism and suppressing your appetite in the critical HCG Phase 2 portion of the diet. Let’s just come right out and say it: yes, the HCG Phase 2 aspect of the diet is a 700 calorie a day plan. Oh believe us; we can hear the collective sigh from Charlotte NC, Richmond VA and New London CT. “What? 700 calories!” you are all saying? Are you people serious? I can never survive that kind of Spartan regimen. The truth is that you can and not only that, you’ll be able to keep up with the HCG diet and exercise program that your HCG doctor has laid out for you, simply because you won’t be hungry. How is that possible? Well research and practical science has shown us that this no-sex hormone is an excellent provider of appetite suppression while at the same time a facilitator of the body’s metabolism. Under normal circumstances without the benefit of doctor prescribed HCG injections and your B-12 booster shots, your body would descend into a state of starvation and begin to consume muscle mass instead of fat. If you get there, you won’t lose a pound, and you’ll be miserable and energy sapped at every moment of every day. Your body will rightly protect itself by protecting each and every calorie it has taken the effort to store. But on the HCG diet, you will be eating just fine. Your diet will consist of a cornucopia of whole foods, things like garden fresh veggies: asparagus, summer squash, leafy greens, lettuce and kale, spinach and certain fruits. In addition, you’ll enjoy fresh chicken, fish, lean meats and shellfish. You won’t be bored or hungry on the HCG diet, and your body will reward you with spectacular weight loss benefits. Remember, 30 pounds in 30 days is not unheard of and may reflect your own results on the Weight Loss Medical Center plan.
What about Exercise on the HCG Plan?
So can you do the HCG diet and exercise program? Of course you can! In order to maintain your weight loss, you are encouraged to do gentle walking and stretching exercises. Enjoy deep breathing and meditation. What we discourage you from doing is getting into strenuous exercise which can leave you sore, aching and depleted. This kind of exercise dramatically alters the hormone balance in your body and creates a situation where weight loss is difficult, if not impossible. Save the heavy workouts for after you complete Phase 3 of the plan, and always discuss your plans with your medical adviser for the best results. Consider what comes after the strict HCG Phase 2 portion of the diet. You will by that time have lost significant pounds and be ready to enter the HCG Phase 3 section of your weight loss which is affectionately known by our happy clients as “the forever phase.” Your weight will be closer to what you always dreamed it might be one day and you’ll be ready to move on to a more lifestyle oriented plan of eating and exercising while still losing weight and attaining greater health. Perhaps by then you’ll voluntarily choose garden fresh salads and lean meats. Hopefully, you’ll have adopted favorite exercises like hiking, biking, spin classes, yoga classes, strength training or jogging … and your body will be ready to reward you, time and again, forever.
It all begins with a simple toll free call to one of our medical advisers. Our men and women are experts on the topic of the HCG diet and doctor prescribed HCG injections. They can show you the way forward and answer all your remaining questions about permanent, safe, legal and dynamic weight loss with the help of an HCG clinic like ours here at Weight Loss Medical Center. Call us today, toll free, at 954-587-4441 and start your own personal weight loss success story. You’ll never regret that decision.