HCG Diet Eating Plan Sheds Pounds and Inches from Your Body

Congratulations, you are about to embark upon the fabulous HCG diet eating plan, which will shed pounds and inches from your body quicker than you ever dreamed possible. In seemingly no time at all, people will be asking you for the secret of what you are eating in order to achieve your successful weight loss. Your friends, family, and co-workers will not believe their eyes, when they see you trimming down day after day, and you will not believe how quickly your clothes become loose, and then baggy, on your body. It truly is astounding when you realize that doctor prescribed HCG injections and our complete eating plan can make that significant a difference in your life. It doesn’t matter if you live in Jacksonville FL or Newark NJ, we will teach you how to make healthy choices every time you are ready to open your mouth and eat. Whether you are looking for snacks or meals, you will have a handy guide to assist you in your selection. Not only that, we will also provide you with a wide variety of easy to prepare recipes that will make losing those unwanted pounds easier that you could have ever imagined. Are you ready to get started? There has never been a better time to make a commitment to yourself and your health. You want to lose weight. You want to be able to go into a fitting room in any store in New York City NY and have everything you try on fit you like a glove. Most of all, you want to feel good about how you look. We want to help you accomplished all of that, and more. The answer you have been looking for to lose weight is right here in front of you, and together we will explore HCG Diet Meal Planning. On this page, we will provide you with instructions and tips for your weight loss success. Once you finish reading this page you will be ready to contact our local clinics to get started on your own journey to a fabulous new you.
HCG Diet Daily Eating Plan Will Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
One of the most beneficial things to know on any weight loss program is what you can and cannot eat. The HCG diet daily eating plan spells all this out for you in a clear and easy manner. You will receive a complete food list, detailing all the allowed fruits, vegetables, proteins, seasonings, beverages, and extra items that you are able to consume each day. This list is in the form of an easy-to-follow shopping guide that you can actually carry with you to the grocery store. You can even take it to the local farmer’s market in Chula Vista CA or Nashville TN. There is no need to walk through the aisles trying to remember what you can and cannot buy, as everything you can buy will be spelled out right there on the list. You can actually stroll through the produce department, filling your cart with bags of apples (in every variety imaginable), oranges, strawberries, lemons, limes, and grapefruits. You may have tried diets in the past that eliminated fruit from their programs, leaving you with nothing at all to satisfy your sweet tooth, yet fruit is packed full of healthy vitamins and is an essential part of your weight loss protocol. The HCG diet food plan allows you to have fruit at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and as a snack. You might enjoy a red gala apple in the morning with breakfast, an orange for lunch, a handful of strawberries as a midday snack, and baked cinnamon grapefruit sections for dessert after dinner. Baked grapefruit? If you are wondering how to do that, simple peel and section a grapefruit the same way you would an orange, arrange the sections in a baking dish and sprinkle with cinnamon. You can even add ginger or nutmeg if you like, as well. Bake uncovered for 20 minutes at 375 degrees. This can be enjoyed warm or cooled. There are endless ways for you to enjoy your fruit on the HCG diet. As you proceed with your shopping in the produce aisle, you will notice that the list of vegetables seems to go on and on forever. This is a fantastic opportunity for you to try something new that you have never eaten before. When you move onto the protein section of your shopping, you will find that your HCG diet meal plan provides you with options you never expected while on a weight loss program. If you are a lobster lover, now is the time to indulge in one of your favorite foods. Don’t worry about the cost because you will be saving money elsewhere in your grocery shopping. After all, there will be no junk food or pre-packaged items to eat away at your grocery budget. You will find that you are dining better, and saving money at the same time … and of course, losing pounds and inches from your body.
HCG Diet Food Plan Phase 1 Eat, Eat, Eat
Get ready to eat! On the HCG diet food plan phase 1, you will eat till your heart’s content. Seriously, do not even think about skipping this part of the HCG weight loss program as you will not lose the amount of weight you want to if you do. You need to provide your body with ready to use new fat cells for the HCG to bind to. This phase will jump start your metabolism as you “pig out” on all your favorite high calorie, high fat foods. Notice that we said high fat, not high sugar. Yes, you can have your favorite desserts during these two days, full fat ice cream is a tremendous plus, but we want you to go after the foods you love to eat. We’re talking about pizza, fried chicken, French fries, cheeseburgers, pasta … you get the picture. For the first two days of your HCG injections, we want you to go crazy with food. Visit your favorite buffet in Las Vegas NV or Atlantic City NJ and stay away from the salad bar. This is not the time to be healthy; that will begin on day three of your injections. For these first two days just keep eating all the foods you know are unhealthy for you. You have our permission, so indulge!
HCG Diet Plan Phase 2 Provides Quick Weight Loss
Chances are that, on the third morning of your injections, you will be sick of eating and ready to begin the HCG diet plan phase 2. Your body will be ready to begin this journey to quick weight loss. This phase encompasses day 3 through 40, where you will be self-administering your daily HCG, Vitamin B12 plus vitamin complex injections. Each day you will consume a maximum of 700 calories, split between 3 meals and a snack. Included with the shopping/allowable foods list you receive will be your meal plan and recipes. Your meal plan specifies what you may consume at each meal. For example, breakfast may consist of an egg white scrambled with onion and a piece of fruit. For lunch, you might choose a nice big salad, one of our tasty dressings, and 5.5 ounces of lean sliced chicken breast. Your afternoon snack might be a melba toast and a handful of strawberries. You may opt for our oriental ginger chicken or sloppy Joes for dinner. You will not be hungry on the HCG diet. As a matter of fact, you might even have difficulty consuming 700 calories a day as your body will not feel hungry as a result of your doctor prescribed HCG shots, yet it is imperative that you do eat and provide your body with the required nutrition. During this phase, you will be losing on average a pound a day.
At the end of phase 2, there will be two days that you do not take any HCG injections. This will be days 41 and 42 of your weight loss program. You will continue with your 700 calorie a day eating plan while the remaining HCG leaves your system. These two days are vital to prepare your body for the next part of your program.
HCG Diet Plan Phase 3 Maintain Your New Body
Congratulations, you have successfully lost weight and made it to HCG diet plan phase 3, the maintenance portion of our program, where you will enjoy your new, thinner body. During days 43 through 73, you will carefully maintain the weight you have achieved. Now is the time to begin to add back many of the foods you love, with the exception of sugar. It is crucial that you continue to avoid sugar during this phase of the HCG diet, or you will gain back the weight you lost. You may increase your daily caloric intake to 1000-1200 calories each day, and yes, you may add dairy, healthy fats and oils back into your diet. Just make sure that if you are having certain dairy foods such as yogurt, that you purchase plain yogurt and flavor it yourself at home with fresh fruit and stevia. You must be diligent as your read labels to make sure that there is no added sugar. You would be surprised at how many jarred pasta sauces have added sugar in them. Once you reach day 74 you may again have sugar if you wish. Many people find that, by this time, they do not miss it at all. You can continue using your HCG diet meal plan recipes, adding rice and pasta as side dishes if you choose. There is no need to stop preparing the tasty recipes you have come to enjoy during your weight loss. Many will probably become family favorites for all time.
HCG Diet Plan for Eating Out Success
You may be wondering about information regarding the HCG diet plan for eating out. Don’t worry; you do not have to turn down invitations to join your family, friends, and colleagues while you are losing weight. When you arrive at a restaurant, all you have to do is ask to speak with the chef. It is exceedingly rare that you find one that cannot work within the guidelines of your HCG diet eating plan. Almost any restaurant, whether it is in Philadelphia PA or Boston MA, can take a lean cut of steak or boneless skinless chicken breast and prepare it without oil. This can be grilled or baked with a variety of seasonings, spices, and herbs. Ask for some steamed broccoli or a nice salad on the side. Many people tell us they bring their own HCG diet homemade dressing with them in a small container, or use lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to season their salads at restaurants. Planning ahead by checking out the restaurant menu online before you go, and even calling on the phone with your dietary concerns, can increase a positive outcome that will allow you to enjoy dining out while sticking to your HCG weight loss diet. If your friends are drinking at a bar in Dallas TX, indulge with a glass of sparkling mineral water with a few drops of your favorite flavor of stevia added in. Remember, it won’t be long before you have achieved your weight loss goal and can enjoy eating anything you want at all your favorite restaurants. With the HCG diet plan, eating out can be an enjoyable experience.