Follow the HCG Diet Grocery List to Lose Weight Easily

When it comes to losing pounds and inches, the last thing you want is to have to start using expensive diets with unyielding restrictions that only promise weight loss of a pound or two a week. These types of programs are not worth your money or your time. With a busy lifestyle, who has time to go out of their way to go meetings, weigh-ins, weekly appointments, or even to pick up the next week’s supply of cardboard packaged food? What if there was a way to lose unwanted fat quickly and easily, without all these hassles? A simple item such as the HCG diet grocery list could help save both time and money while allowing you the opportunity to lose up to a pound a day or more. It is easy to lose weight on the HCG diet because there is nothing extreme or different to do. You still get to live your life the same way you do now, without having to search all over town for special ingredients or foods. Instead, all you do is help to work with your own body and reset it back to where it should be. You can easily lose a pound a day when you follow the HCG diet protocol by resetting your metabolism. When using Dr. Simeons HCG diet grocery list to help guide your food purchases, as well as eating habits, you can get your body back on track. Following this protocol can help to balance out your body and stabilize it to a point in which you can begin looking and feeling better without any hassle, stress, or time out of your day. This diet can help you out no matter where you live, whether you’re in Jacksonville FL or Oakland CA; you will find yourself not only losing weight but feeling better, healthier, and happier. Imagine looking in the mirror at the end of thirty days and realizing that 30 pounds are gone from your abdomen, hips, and thighs. You will have dropped inches and sizes in your clothes, as well. Breathing will become easier, and with less unwanted fat on your body, your joints will begin to feel better, too. Chances are that your blood sugar and cholesterol levels may even begin to stabilize. It truly is astounding all that will change as you begin to lose weight easily with the help of our simple HCG grocery list.
Grocery List for the HCG Diet Provides Healthy Alternatives
When it first comes to getting started losing those unwanted pounds, it is not about exercising, or weekly meetings, but about what you eat. You need to take a close look at what you eat each day and what is in the foods you are consuming. Are these foods laden with sugar, fat, or maybe even both of them? Are there chemical additives that you can’t even pronounce? How many artificial or modified ingredients are listed? Those things are extremely unhealthy and harmful to the body. Think of the human body as a machine. If your body was a car, and you continually used an inferior grade of oil, what would happen? More than likely you would eventually suffer a mechanical breakdown. Putting unhealthy things into your body creates equally damaging results, such as weight gain and illness. Altering your lifestyle is the tricky part, especially when it comes to shopping for food. How can you differentiate between what is safe to eat and what is not? The grocery list for the HCG diet provides a better understanding of what can help you lose weight quickly and easily. This grocery list helps you to eliminate fats and sugars that are not necessary. Many kinds of meats are full of both fat and hidden sugar, including most prepackaged sliced meats that are also overly processed. Beverages, such as sodas and juices, are actually some of the worst things for you. They are full of sugars, artificial food colorings, and other unhealthy ingredients. By eliminating sodas, juices, and many other types of beverages, you can rid yourself of much of your daily sugar intake altogether. Instead of searching for difficult or hard to find replacements, you can find simple and easy to get foods that work with your body instead of against it. Shopping for foods, to help you lose 30 pounds in 30 days helps you not only to lose weight, but reset your metabolism, allowing you to continue to melt away fat even after the 30 days are up. You can and will lose weight by following this grocery list. When combined with daily HCG injections prescribed by our doctor, you will experience the dramatic results that people nationwide have discovered. Thankfully, this type of weight loss is no longer reserved for the rich and famous in Los Angeles CA. The HCG diet program is available and affordable for everyone nationwide. Soon you will be looking the way you want and feeling better than you could have imagined.
HCG Diet Grocery List Phase 1 Allows You to Eat All Your Favorite Foods
When starting a diet, it is usually hard to give up the constant eating of pizza, ice cream, and other fatty foods. Well, if you have that problem, then there is a fantastic transition for you when starting the HCG Diet. Whereas most weight loss programs want you to give up immediately all your favorite foods, during Phase 1 of our program you will eat all your most decadent favorites for two days. Many people want to skip these two days of the diet, yet you will not experience the results you want if you do. During this two day period, you will begin to take your daily HCG, Vitamin B12 plus vitamin complex injections. In addition, you will provide your body with ready to use fat for the HCG to bind to. Remember, two days only – no more, no less. During these days, you are required to eat over two thousand calories a day. How do you do that? You accomplish this mission by eating lots of high fat content foods. In fact, it is extremely easy to figure out your HCG diet grocery list Phase 1 meal requirements. You should be eating lots of fried foods, ribs, ice cream, pasta, pizza and more. Go ahead and buy the fattiest cuts of beef you can find, make your favorite recipes of fried chicken and macaroni and cheese, and purchase a chocolate cream pie with extra whipped cream for dessert. If you live in New York NY, make sure to enjoy a few slices of pizza. If you are in Philadelphia PA, grab a cheesesteak, or better yet, head over to Reading Terminal Market where you can probably consume 2000 calories just by walking around from vendor to vendor. You can go out to your favorite buffet in Kansas City MO and make sure you get your money’s worth. Don’t worry about the weight you will gain since you will be burning it off in no time at all. It is crucial to do this step and not skip it because you will not lose as much of your unwanted fat if you do. This step is designed to kick start your metabolism so that you can begin to lose pounds quickly and easily. The following phases of the HCG diet all build off of this primary step.
HCG Diet Grocery List Phase 2 Makes Shopping a Breeze
After Phase 1, comes the serious fat burning part of the program. The real diet starts here and now, and commitment to changing your body begins. This is the part of our weight loss program when you have to start eliminating all the unhealthy foods from your diet, and begin to provide your body with healthier ones. The HCG diet grocery list Phase 2 works a bit differently, yet is so easy to follow, that shopping and preparing food will become a breeze. This is the time where you will focus on meats high in protein and low in fat, as well as vegetables low in natural sugar and starch. Our handy shopping guide can accompany you to the grocery store or farmers market for easy shopping. You will eliminate the mindless walking up and down the aisles, staying mainly on the perimeter of the store in the produce and meat departments. You will be provided with a wide variety of quick and easy to prepare recipes you can try, from Sloppy Joes to Chicken Cacciatore. No matter what type of food you enjoy, you will find options to supplement your craving for different tastes and flavors. Each day, you will be self-administering your doctor prescribed HCG injections, along with your Vitamin B12 and vitamin complex injections. By following the instructions for limiting your calories to 700 each day while eating only the foods on your HCG diet grocery lists, you will melt away unwanted fat deposits quickly and safely. In addition, by doing simple exercises each day, such as basic yoga, thirty minutes of walking, swimming, or stretching, you will help to burn calories and not build muscle. We do not want you to begin to build muscle until you reach your desired weight. Go for a short hike in Mesa AZ or a stroll in Birmingham AL. By the end of day forty, you will see an entirely different you in the mirror.
Add Some of Your Favorite Foods with Your Phase 3 HCG Diet Grocery List
Now that you have gone through the largest period of weight loss by using our eating guide and HCG injections, what is next? Your Phase 3 HCG diet grocery list provides you with instructions for the next step of the program. During this point, you should stop using the HCG in order to flush it out of your system. This part of the diet is designed to help prepare you for the final step, the forever phase, where you can eat anything you want and maintain your weight. You are preparing yourself with a plan of action to continue living the healthy lifestyle you have learned and embraced. The reason most people do not regain their lost weight is because they love the way they feel. Eating healthy, nutritious, whole foods provides you with an abundance of energy. Your metabolism will have reset itself to function at optimal levels, allowing you to burn your daily intake of food efficiently. During Phase 3, you will add some of your favorite foods back into your daily eating plan while increasing your caloric intake to 1000 – 1200 calories each day. You will still avoid all sugar; however, you can once again enjoy dairy, most carbohydrates, and even higher fat foods. The HCG diet shopping list provides you with all the guidance you need to make the right choices to keep off the weight you have lost.
Your body is the only one you have, and you deserve for it to look and feel the best it can. So why wait when you can look and feel the way you want in a matter of weeks? The HCG diet is all about you, and helping you to create the body that will provide you with optimum health and pleasure. You can create a new you in no time at all no matter where you live, whether it is as far north as Grand Rapids MI or as far south as Laredo TX. Our entire staff is committed to your weight loss success. Simply fill out the contact form on this page or give us a call at 1-954-587-4441 today.