What is an HCG Diet Guide?

If you have been searching for a way to lose weight and keep it off, the HCG diet guide will provide you with all of the tools you need to find success. Weight Loss Medical Center provides a safe way to get rid of undesirable fat in a short period of time, and then keep it from coming back. No more yo-yo dieting!
Our HCG weight loss program has everything needed:
- HCG injections
- Vitamin B12 injections
- All necessary supplies
Yes, all medications and supplies are included, but that is not all that a person needs in order to be successful in losing excess weight. For most people, the success of the HCG injections lies in the HCG diet guide with its easy to follow recipes and directions.
Here is what you will find in the HCG guide:
HCG Diet Meal Plan
The HCG meal plan provides a complete listing of all allowed foods, beverages, and condiments. It shows what to eat and when to eat it. Best of all, it includes an abundance of tasty and easy to prepare recipes that will please even the finickiest eater.
HCG Diet Protocol
The step by step protocol will show how to prepare and inject the HCG and B 12 shots. It will explain what to do if you are hungry between meals, and how to get the best results from the weight loss program.
How to Get an HCG Diet Guide
The HCG diet guide is part of the overall package that you will be provided with by Weight Loss Medical Center when you decide to begin the only weight loss program you will ever need. In order to begin, call us or complete the form on this page to arrange for your free consultation with a medical HCG diet expert. This confidential consultation is conducted by phone, so there is no risk of anyone seeing you enter or exit the clinic.
Feel free to discuss any concerns you have about how excess fat is affecting your life and your health. Ask questions about losing unwanted pounds with the HCG program, and find out how much you can lose in a short period of time.
The HCG diet guide is your ticket to a brighter, healthier future. It holds the way to put an end to the food cravings that have derailed you from your goals in the past. It reprograms your brain to crave healthy and nutritious foods. In other words, it will change the way you eat for the rest of your life.
Weight Loss Medical Center has helped men and women throughout the US lose weight successfully. Our medical professionals have put together this complete guide to help you succeed, whether you are trying to drop 20 pounds or 200 pounds. We are here to help you accomplish your goal.